I-BEST: Islamic Banking & Economic Law Studies https://jurnal.asy-syukriyyah.ac.id/index.php/I-BEST <p>I-BEST: Islamic Banking &amp; Economic Law Studies adalah jurnal ilmiah Prodi Perbankan Syariah (P.Sy) dan Prodi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (HES) yang diterbitkan oleh STAI Asy-Syukriyyah. Membahas seputar Perbankan Syariah dan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah. Jurnal ini menerbitkan 1 volume setiap tahun, di mana setiap volume memiliki 2 nomor yang diterbitkan pada periode Januari-Juni dan Juli-Desember.</p> STAI Asy-Syukriyyah en-US I-BEST: Islamic Banking & Economic Law Studies 2961-7057 PENGARUH CAWE-CAWE PRESIDEN TERHADAP NETRALITAS POLRI DI PILPRES TAHUN 2024 https://jurnal.asy-syukriyyah.ac.id/index.php/I-BEST/article/view/484 <p><em>Pemilihan Presiden merupakan proses politik yang penting dalam suatu negara demokratis. Netralitas Polri dalam proses pemilu sangatlah penting untuk menjaga integritas dan keadilan dalam pelaksanaannya. Namun, adanya praktik "cawe-cawe" atau dukungan terbuka dari Presiden terhadap kandidat presiden tertentu dapat mengancam netralitas lembaga-lembaga yang berada dibawah lembaga kepresidenan termasuk institusi kepolisian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh cawe-cawe Presiden terhadap netralitas Polri dalam Pemilu Presiden tahun 2024. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik cawe-cawe oleh Presiden terhadap institusi Polri dapat membahayakan netralitas lembaga kepolisian dan mengganggu proses pemilu yang adil dan demokratis. Netralitas Polri dalam pemilu merupakan prinsip yang diatur dalam hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku. Anggota Polri diharapkan untuk tidak memihak atau mendukung secara terbuka calon Presiden tertentu. Praktik cawe-cawe Presiden dapat mempengaruhi kinerja dan penilaian objektif mereka dalam menjalankan tugas kepolisian selama pemilu. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi perlakuan terhadap calon Presiden dan pendukungnya, serta mempengaruhi efektivitas penegakan hukum secara keseluruha. Diperlukan upaya yang tegas dalam mengatasi praktik cawe-cawe yang dilakukan oleh Presiden terhadap institusi Polri. Hal ini dapat dilakukan melalui pemberian pemahaman yang baik kepada anggota Polri tentang pentingnya netralitas dan independensi lembaga kepolisian serta penerapan sanksi yang tegas terhadap pelanggaran netralitas. Selain itu, upaya koordinasi dan komunikasi yang baik antara lembaga Polri dan Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) juga penting untuk menghindari adanya konflik kepentingan dan memastikan proses pemilu yang adil dan bebas dari intervensi politik.</em></p> Fachrul Marasabessy Copyright (c) 2024 Fachrul Marasabessy https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 3 1 1 11 10.36769/ibest.v3i1.484 PENGARUH PENERIMAAN TEKNOLOGI DENGAN METODE UTAUT TERHADAP MINAT MENGGUNAKAN MOBILE BANKING DI BSI TANGERANG https://jurnal.asy-syukriyyah.ac.id/index.php/I-BEST/article/view/489 <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of UTAUT factors, namely Performance Expectations, Effort Expectations, Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions partially and simultaneously on customer interest in using BSI mobile banking services in Tangerang. With four independent variables, namely: Performance Expectations (X1), Business Expectations (X2), Social Influence (X3), and Facilitating Conditions and the dependent variable is Interest (Y). The population in this study were Bank Syariah Indonesia customers with a sample size of 110 respondents. This study applies quantitative research methods. The analysis used in this study is the measurement model test (outer model) and the structural model test (inner model). This study uses the SmartPLS 3.0 program to process data.The results of this study indicate that the Performance Expectation variable (X1) has a positive and significant effect on the variable customer interest in using mbanking services with a significance level of 0.000 &lt;0.05. The Effort Expectation variable (X2) has a negative and insignificant effect on interest in using mbanking services with a significance level of 0.557&gt;0.05. The Social Influence variable has a positive and significant effect on interest in using mbanking services with a significance level of 0.000 &lt;0.05. Facilitating Conditions have a positive and insignificant effect on customer interest in using mbanking services with a significance level of 0.315&gt;0.05 then simultaneously together the independent variables simultaneously affect the dependent variable interest in using mbanking services.This research is expected to be useful for further research that wants to develop further research knowledge, banking and academic parties.</em></p> Muhammad Nurul Alim Wahyu Hidayat Risqi Amalia Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Nurul Alim, Wahyu Hidayat, Risqi Amalia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 3 1 12 32 10.36769/ibest.v3i1.489 DEFAULT MORTGAGE CUSTOMERS THROUGH BANK KPR WITH BUYBACK GUARANTEE DEVELOPER FACILITY IN ISLAMIC ECONOMICS PERSPECTIVE https://jurnal.asy-syukriyyah.ac.id/index.php/I-BEST/article/view/497 <p><em>This research aims to determine the buyback guarantee regulatory system and the buyback guarantee working mechanism until the bank makes a buyback guarantee claim to the developer. This research also aims to review buyback guarantee from Islamic perspective. The research method used is qualitative research using closed interviews and observation methods. Based on the research results, the developer has the criteria for potential partners to be able to work together and make agreement rules for both parties and the risks that will be experienced by the Customer, Bank, and Developer. The developer can make an effort before the bank makes a buyback guarantee claim to remind the customer that payment obligations at the bank are in arrears. In Islamic sharia perspective, the buyback guarantee is permitted provided that it is an option, not an obligation. The buyer may sell either to the first seller or another person. This provision is to avoid the prohibited bai’ al-'inah, which leads to prohibited riba transaction. Other Islamic solutions are debt restructuring (rescheduling) and postponement of the debt payment.The research is expected to give Islamic solution before buyback guarantee is executed</em></p> Djaka Suryadi Muhammad Nurul Alim Copyright (c) 2024 Djaka Suryadi, Muhammad Nurul Alim https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 3 1 33 51 10.36769/ibest.v3i1.497 PENGARUH MEREK, KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN DAN HARGA TERHADAP LOYALITAS DENGAN MINAT BELI ULANG SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING PADA PELANGGAN BRANCHLESS BANKING BTN KC KELAPA GADING SQUARE JAKARTA UTARA https://jurnal.asy-syukriyyah.ac.id/index.php/I-BEST/article/view/503 <p><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> The banking industry experiences difficulties in providing services to people who are far from banks, because it requires high cost. Bank BTN encourages the development of bank services without offices with Telkom through branchless banking or the agent laku pandai. To analize agent performance, research was carried out from the aspects of brand, marketing communication and price on customer loyalty through customer repurchase interest in transacting at laku pandai agents. Samples were taken as many as 105 respondents of customers. The data obtained were then processed using Smart PLS version 3 and analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. This analysis includes reliability test, validity test, hypothesis testing through Ttest and Ftest as well as coefficient of determination (R2). Test results show based on bootstrapping, the P value 0.005 of brand partially have a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention and the P value 0.086 for brand partially does not have significant effect on loyalty. The P value 0.96 for marketing communication partially does not have significant effect on loyalty and likewise the p value 0.52 for marketing communication on repurchase intention. The P value for price on loyalty is 0.97, so the price has no significant effect, but the p value for price on repurchase intention is 0.00, so price on repurchase intention has a significant effect and the p value for repurchase intention on loyalty is 0.00, meaning it has a significant effect.</em></p> Edy Junaedi Supriyadi Supriyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Edy Junaedi, Supriyadi Supriyadi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 3 1 52 75 10.36769/ibest.v3i1.503 MENELUSURI KAIDAH HUKUM MAKANAN HALAL DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL QUR’AN SURAT AL MAIDAH AYAT 4 https://jurnal.asy-syukriyyah.ac.id/index.php/I-BEST/article/view/528 <p><em>Surah Al-Maidah</em><em> Verse 4 in the Al-Quran talks about the rules of halal food from a religious perspective This verse states that food that is good and according to taste is permitted to be eaten, as long as there are no religious guidelines that prohibit it. In this study, the author discusses the concept of halal food from the perspective of Al Maidah verse 4. The author conducted research using the library research method by combining appropriate verses. In this research, the author tries to explain the meaning of halal with verse 4 of the Qur'an surah al Maidah</em></p> Novi Bahrotul Ilmiah Lusiana Nur Humaidah Copyright (c) 2024 Novi Bahrotul Ilmiah, Lusiana Nur Humaidah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 3 1 76 85 10.36769/ibest.v3i1.528