(Tinjauan Sejarah Diturunkannya Al-Qur`an)
The discrepancies qiraat the Koran is not a fictitious result of the creation or the scholars qiraat experts. Various qira'at Qur'an is solely delivered by history with a saheeh sanad from the Prophet. Differences qira'at kaifiyat originated from a teacher in delivering / qira'at read it to his disciples, and this activity continues from one generation to the next. From some differences'i'rab proposed by scholars of language and words or phrases mufassirin the verses of the Koran, was only partially affect the difference of meaning.
Nabil bin Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Ismail, Ilmul Qira`at Nasy`atuhu-Athwaruhu-Atsaruhu filUlumil Syar’iyyah, Mekah, Maktabah Taubah 2000
Sayid Riziq Thawil, Fi Ulum al-Qir`at Madkhal wa Dirasah wa Tahqiq,Makkah, Maktabah al-Faishaliyah 1985
Mabahahits fi Ulumil Qur`an, Kairo 2006
Al-Suyuti, al-Itqan fi Ulumil Qur`an
Muhammad Mushtafa Azhami, The History of The Qur`anic Text fromRevelation to Compilation
Fath al-Bari, al-Isti’ab (penjelasan al-Ishabah), ‘Uyun al-Atsar, Zad al-Ma’ad,Jawami’ al-Sirah, al-Tanbih wa al-Isyraf, Jam’ al-Qur`an.
Jamal Musthafa Najjar, al-Ihsan fi Ulum al-Qur`an, Dar al-Thiba’ah al-Muhamadiyah, Kairo 2004
Al-Zarkasyi, al-Burhan fi Ulum al-Qur`an